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6 Week Challenge Creative Rhythmic & Dance 
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Rythimic Gymnastics 6 weeks challenge (11 x 8.5 in) (11 x 8.5 in).jpg

Mid-Winter Break Camp
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Spring Break Camp
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SpRIng Break Cmap (11 x 8.5 in).jpg

Summer Camp Early Bird Deal
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Summer Camp for web(11 x 8.5 in).jpg

Level 2 Pre-Team Program
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level 2 pre team class 2024 fall landscape.jpg

Performance Program and Xcel Program
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Beginner Class Limited Time Deal is here. 
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Beginner class 2024 fall landscape.jpg

La Luna Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy

11251  120th Ave NE   Suite 150

Kirkland, WA 98033

Hours: Monday to Friday 3pm - 8pm

            Saturday 9am - 3pm


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"I just wanted to say that my daughter Ayani LOVED summer camp!   She never once complained or said she didn’t want to go, even at the end of the week when it was hot, even when I had to wake her up early, and she was very sad it was over and said “Mom, I want to practice gymnastics for 1,000 hours!” 

"We wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful camp experience for our girls (Arianna, Lauren, Estella, Helen, Rachael, and Emily).  They really enjoyed working with your coach Lyudmila and it was a wonderful experience for our girls!  Please tell Lyudmila a BIG thank you and the girls really appreciate her so much!!!  The camp was amazing and please let us know any future camps you plan to host for outside guests."

"Thank you Arzu for your hard work and mostly for the dedication you have for all girls.  I very much know you put your heart and your soul into everything you do.  We very much look forward for the summer and another great year!"  

- Anah S.

- Shari K., Leesa M., Emily B., Vicki C., and Lisa H.

- Jane V.


© 2017 La Luna Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy | All rights reserved.                                                                                              USA Gymnastics Safe Sport

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